After writing the last blog
entry about "Monitor the sunshine intensity with Splunk Storm" I got the idea to build a
Splunk Storm monitored house. There are many more things which generates data which could be send to Splunk Storm. At the moment I have got my
heating system and the
sunshine intensity online which is a good start for building the rest.
Generating interesting data is a challange with many difficulty levels. Therefore I'm going to cluster the data types into 3 classes.
Already done:
heating system
sunshine intensity
Easy difficulty level:
- Internet traffic (up to 100MBit!
- Network traffic (Netgear Switches)?
- Telephone calls (incomming, outgoing, missed)
- TaHoma log messages (Control Unit for roller shutters and other house rleated hardware)
- System messages from NAS, Fritz.Box (Router), ...
Hard difficulty level (and expensive):
- Energy consumption (room based?)
- Water consumption (only house based)
- Room temperatures (my favorite one)
- Outside temperature (could be easy but expensive)
- Temperatures and humidity from the ventilation system (with heat recovery)
I think that's a long list of thing which could be done to monitor my house. Later there might be the alert system which could be generate events... but that a future part because I need a new one (maybe from Somfy to intgrate with TaHoma).